Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Updates and Upcoming Events

Our first fundraiser will be held next week, February 2-6, from 12-1:30pm in front of the GRC. We will be selling Valentine's Candy Grams to be delivered to student mailboxes the following week! Tell your friends :D Everyone loves candy after all!

Also coming soon, the Herbarium Tour has been ocnfirmed for Monday February 9th from 12-1pm. We will be meeting at the stairs in NCB and walking over together. Please show up around 11:45 so we can get there on time. Hope to see you all there! It will be a great learning opportunity!

We will also be having our SLA Speaker Series sometime after Reading Week, so if you'd like to speak or just come out and listen to some interesting stories from your fellow students related to special libraries, keep an eye out for updates!

And speaking of Reading Week, we can't forget the exciting Toronto Tour! We are still working on confirming locations, but for now, except the trip to happen on Wednesday, February 18th!

Lastly, for the remainder of the term, we will not be meeting in the originally planned room. We will be meeting in the Staging Building room 250. This is located next door to the NCB in the direction of University Ave.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Welcome Winter 2015!

Hello and welcome to all new and returning students!

We hope you all had an enjoyable holiday break, but it's time again to hit the books for another term, and we here at SLA are excited about the things to come!

Weekly meetings will begin next week on Tuesday from 12-1pm in the Grad Lounge on the 4th floor. However, starting in February, we will be meeting in room 266 going forward.

On the agenda for this Winter, we hope to schedule more speaker series with professionals currently employed at special libraries and organize tours of local special libraries - and that is just the beginning!

SLA is always in need of volunteers to help run events, and suggestions are always welcome! So if you are interested in getting more involved, don't hesitate to speak up at a meeting or send us an e-mail at slaatuwo@gmail.com.

Lastly, this year is SLA Toronto chapter's 75th anniversary so expect some updates regarding our parent chapter and special or networking events.