Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Web Talk with Kim Dority

On Tuesday, November 24th, we met with Kim Dority, an accomplished LIS professional. She began her career in research and publishing with Libraries Unlimited. Now, as an LIS Career Expert, working with the Special Libraries Association, she has a lot of great advice for students in the field looking to start their careers. As I listened to her explain not only the importance of information professionals, but also the versatility of our skills I was struck by the realization that a wide range of opportunities were available to me.

One of the first big ideas she put in my head was the notion of building your professional equity. Your professional equity, she insists, is made up of what you know, who you know, and who knows what about you. This is the fundamentals of of successful networking, a notion we've all heard before, but perhaps haven't been taking too seriously. But Dority is right, in order to succeed you must build your network and build your visibility. You start this by building a base of contacts, or to put it simply, making relationships with your fellow LIS students and colleagues. Dority goes on to recommend that you keep your mind open and say to new opportunities. Her message here is to remind us not to let fear keep us from taking on a a new challenge. Chanel a spirit, she says, to convince yourself you can do this. She reminds us to let go of the need to be perfect and just be fearless.

"I haven't mastered that yet." 

When you approach a task, don't shy away from the unfamiliar. Promote your skill set and get that information out into the universe. Don't be afraid to use your network of colleagues to help expand your skill set. These are the key ideas Dority is pushing. As you build your professional equity you expand your capabilities to help other people. 

Next, Dority opened up the floor for questions and we instantly wanted to know if networking was so valuable how could sites like LinkedIn be used to help us. 

Her response:
It's something we all know, yet don't like to think about. Employer's upon receiving our applications, will be searching our online profiles to uncover our digital identities. Getting behind your online presence early is the best thing you can do. Not only that, but LinkedIn also provides the opportunity for people to reach out to you and vice versa. When you engage with the site you are able to follow the profession in groups and find out who the though leaders are. 
Dority's take on Twitter:
In addition to LinkedIn, we asked about her opinion of twitter as a tool. She promotes its ability to establish high speed connections and discussion. However, you do need to maintain a constant presence in order to stay relevant. She notes that Twitter isn't for everyone, but it can have great benefits when used properly.
 Organizing your Information Interview
 This is the perfect opportunity to build upon your professional equity. She starts by explaining how to get an interview. Sending emails to professionals over calling allows the interviewee to review your request and makes it easier for them to understand what they are saying yes to, or to reschedule a time that works on their schedule. She emphasizes that this is important, allowing the interviewee the flexibility of choosing when to do the interview. Afterwards, Dority stresses it is important to follow up with a written thank you note and use the chance to confirm you have remembered their advice. Next she recommends getting in contact again once you have implemented their advice and letting them know you appreciate their words and time. At this stage it is also appropriate to send a LinkedIn invitation. If you want to maintain that connection, start by giving back and treating them as peer.
Marketing Skills and the Jobs Search
Dority is very clear that you should always avoid the "j-word" when you are networking, it tends to scare people away. In addition to networking, it is important to volunteer both in your field and outside of it. When marketing your skills to outsiders use the most ambitious title for yourself, always make endorsements for your skills. The key is to get visible, get out there and think of new ways your skills can be transferred to outsiders. 

I am very thankful for the opportunity to talk with Kim Dority and get her view on what it takes to get your foot in the door to the LIS field. I am also eager to begin building my personal equity and implementing the advice she has given us.

- written by Amanda Wheatley (Fall 2015 co-chair)

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Overview: SLA at UWO Toronto Tour!

Written by Cassandra Lopes (cross-posted to the The Courier: Toronto SLA)

On February 18th, 2015, the SLA Student Chapter from the University of Western Ontario visited three special libraries in Toronto and then had dinner at the Loose Moose with several SLA members and executives. We visited the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, the Legislative Library at Queen’s Park, and the library in the Toronto International Film Festival Theatre (TIFF). It was very exciting to see these very different libraries and talk to the librarians about their work and their career paths.

Our first stop was the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library. The Outreach Librarian, John Shoesmith, led the tour and showed us the facilities and collections. It was an amazing atmosphere, and as library students, we all felt a sense of awe and excitement especially when we were permitted to touch the old and rare books that John had brought out to show us. We also got to see Margaret Atwood’s notes and correspondences that she donated to the library. It was very interesting to learn about the donations and accession policies for a Rare Book Library, and about all the different Librarians and positions that are staffed there. Many of the students talked one on one with John and he answered our personal questions about the profession and tips on what we could do if we wanted a career like his.

Next we walked to the Parliament Building at Queen’s Park where we visited the Legislative Library. We meet with the Manager of Library Clients Services, Eileen Lewis. As she led us up the grand staircase and through the marble entrance way to the library, she told us of the history of the library, including the fire that destroyed the collection. Now the collections are housed in steel stacks that are resistant to fire. The stacks are closed and only the Librarians can access them to get materials that the Members of Parliament may need. Eileen also told us about other services the library provides to the Members of Parliament; they have staff that comes in at 5 a.m. to create a compilation of articles from the front pages of the important newspapers in Toronto and Canada. There is also a collection of leisure reading materials for the members to read between sessions. Many of the students with political science backgrounds were interested in talking with Eileen and learning various job hunting tips. It was also interesting to learn that the library was non-partisan and so the librarians had to be as well, at least while on the job.

The last library we visited was the one in the TIFF theatre. The space was small and the group had to be divided into two tour groups. While one group was touring the library the other got to browse their magazine collection and speak with the reference librarian about the collection and the job. The tour was led by Michelle Lovegrove Thomson and she was very friendly and knowledgeable about the collection. They were able to house a lot of materials in the small space with the use of compact shelving. They also house props that have been donated, including the bear-proof suit from the movie Project Grizzly. We learned about the various services they offer free to the public, including a room in which you can watch a movie from their collection.

We ended the day with a dinner at the Loose Moose with several members of the SLA Toronto Chapter. It was a fantastic opportunity for the group to network and get job hunting tips from professionals currently in the field. The students on the trip really enjoyed the tours and the chance to speak with so many librarians and information professionals. We learned that it is important to create connections with the community and that SLA is a fantastic way to do that. The student membership for SLA is offered at a discounted price and I think that many of us will want to take advantage of it, especially after all we learned on the tour.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Two great opportunities!

Presentation Submission...

SLA Toronto West will be hosting our first Student Presentation Showcase on Wednesday 22ndin the Frank Rose Room of the Central Branch of the Burlington Public Library (see contact info below)

If you are interested in doing a short presentation on your interests, research or current projects in the library world and connect with a local professional organization, please submit a proposal by no later than Friday April 3rd outlining what you would like to discuss. Individual and team presentations are encouraged.

Other points:
  • Presentations cannot exceed 10 minutes (this may be altered based on the number of participants)
  • A laptop and projector will be provided. Please bring your presentation materials on a flash drive as access to WiFi is not guaranteed.
  • We will need a minimum of 3 or 4 presentations to proceed with this event.
  • Participants must arrange their own transportation to the venue.
If you are interested in submitting a proposal or have any other questions please contact Brian Rooney ( or Pam Casey (

Volunteer Opportunity...

The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph has a volunteer opportunity for a few students. The convent is a very lovely place for students to try out their library skills. The Sisters need help in weeding their collection.

More information here.

The convent also offers an archives bursary which can be viewed on their website.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Updates and Upcoming Events

Our first fundraiser will be held next week, February 2-6, from 12-1:30pm in front of the GRC. We will be selling Valentine's Candy Grams to be delivered to student mailboxes the following week! Tell your friends :D Everyone loves candy after all!

Also coming soon, the Herbarium Tour has been ocnfirmed for Monday February 9th from 12-1pm. We will be meeting at the stairs in NCB and walking over together. Please show up around 11:45 so we can get there on time. Hope to see you all there! It will be a great learning opportunity!

We will also be having our SLA Speaker Series sometime after Reading Week, so if you'd like to speak or just come out and listen to some interesting stories from your fellow students related to special libraries, keep an eye out for updates!

And speaking of Reading Week, we can't forget the exciting Toronto Tour! We are still working on confirming locations, but for now, except the trip to happen on Wednesday, February 18th!

Lastly, for the remainder of the term, we will not be meeting in the originally planned room. We will be meeting in the Staging Building room 250. This is located next door to the NCB in the direction of University Ave.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Welcome Winter 2015!

Hello and welcome to all new and returning students!

We hope you all had an enjoyable holiday break, but it's time again to hit the books for another term, and we here at SLA are excited about the things to come!

Weekly meetings will begin next week on Tuesday from 12-1pm in the Grad Lounge on the 4th floor. However, starting in February, we will be meeting in room 266 going forward.

On the agenda for this Winter, we hope to schedule more speaker series with professionals currently employed at special libraries and organize tours of local special libraries - and that is just the beginning!

SLA is always in need of volunteers to help run events, and suggestions are always welcome! So if you are interested in getting more involved, don't hesitate to speak up at a meeting or send us an e-mail at

Lastly, this year is SLA Toronto chapter's 75th anniversary so expect some updates regarding our parent chapter and special or networking events.